Home Zo zákulisia Bývalá členka top 100 Glušková ukončila kariéru

Bývalá členka top 100 Glušková ukončila kariéru

by Michal Pokrivka

TEL AVIV – Záver roka využívajú tenisti aj na to, aby oznámili koniec kariéry. Ďalšou do partie sa stala pred pár dňami Izraelčanka Julia Glušková.

Izraelská tenistka oznámila svoje rozhodnutie prostredníctvom Instagramu. „Po mesiacoch uvažovania som sa rozhodla skončiť s profesionálnym tenisom. Som nadšená zo svojho rozhodnutia. Nemôžem sa dočkať toho, čo mi život po tenise prinesie,“ napísala v rozsiahlom príspevku, v ktorom sa okrem toho poďakovala rodičom, trénerom a sponzorom.


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Hiiiiii everyone, After a lot of thoughts, long months of contemplation, I’ve decided to retire from professional tennis. I wanted to take this opportunity and thank a few people who have been there for me throughout my career. My team in the last 2 years @amirhadad1978 @kerenshlomo @ilanit_tau @avihaisorokal and Oren Bar Nur (who still doesn’t have insta) @kerenshlomo my noodle, we have been through so much In the last 2 years. Wow! You literally have seen me in every possible scenario!! Thank you so much for being there for me, you taught me what real friendship is, together with very high level of professionalism! @amirhadad1978 since the first day we agreed to work together you did everything to give me confidence and make me comfortable to focus on my game. My sponsor @ravbariach who supported and followed my career very closely in the last 2 years! My amazing partner @moshiko_gamlieli when we met you supported my career even though it meant I wasn’t home much, and kept super busy schedule. And now you’re supporting me with the biggest decision of my life, hope you won’t regret this one cause it means you will have me around much much more 😉 I love you so much♥️ My amazing parents and siblings @alexsasha_glu and @lina_glushko You have sacrificed so much for my career! Always did everything you could just so I could chase my dreams and do what I love! You always showered me with so much love, acceptance and support. Without you, my career wouldn’t be possible. I am extremely excited about my decision and can’t wait to see what life brings after tennis 🙂

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Julia Glushko (@julglushko),

Julia Glušková sa presadzovala vo svete veľkého tenisu najmä v rokoch 2012 – 2014. V júni 2014 dosiahla rebríčkové maximum v podobe 79. miesta. Na Grand Slamoch bola dvakrát v 3. kole (US Open 2013, Roland Garros 2014). V aktuálnej sezóne klesla v hodnotení WTA až na 415. pozíciu, a tak sa rozhodla v 29 rokoch zavesiť raketu na klinec.

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